Thursday, 25 June 2015

Telangana State TS EdCET Exam Results 2015 at

TS EdCET Exam Results 2015: TS Ed.CET is a common Entrance Exam that is been conducted in the State of Telangana.TS Ed.CET 2015 is been abbreviated as Telangana State Common Entrance Test. The exam is been conducted for these year 2015.

TS Ed.cet Exam 2015 is conducted under the involvement of Convener TS Ed.CET and Osmania University Hyderabad on behalf of the Telangana state Council of Higher Education(TSCHE).

The Education Common Entrance Exam hat is been conducted by Osmania University on behalf higher authority that is Telangana State Council of Higher Education. The Exam conducted by them is popularly known as TS Ed.CET.

Ts Ed.CET Exam 2015 is an entrance exam to for providing admission in to two year B.ED Regular course in all the colleges that are reside in Telangana and facilitated with the B.ED degree course.TS Ed.CET is allows the candidates seeking admission in to a B.Ed (degree) affiliated college.

TS Ed.cet Results 2015

The qualified TS Ed.CET 2015 candidates can take the admission in the two year B.Ed course. Candidates with good rank in the TS Ed.CET 2015 can attain their desired college. TS Ed.CET 2015 acts as a gateway that provides the candidates with best education and best college for B.ED degree. According to the sources the exam will be held every year at 2nd june in various examination centers of Telangana. The results are expected to be released on 25th of this month.

Ts Ed.CET Exam 2015 is CET exam for the academic year 2015 – 2016.The results are going to be declared on 25th june 2015.That is 25th of these month.All the students are excepting good ranks so that candidate with good rank acquire good College. College with Good Education can make the student to attain their desired goals.


All the candidates are so curious regarding the results of TS Ed.CET 2015.There is a huge pressure on the students during B.Ed CET exam 2015.As they have to clear the TS Ed.CET entrance exam so that can move forward in the education.All the students are feeling anxious and Enthuastic for the Results of Ed.CET 2015.Exams are part of Education so the advice from ours is Don’t worry even if you haven’t qualify the Ed.CET 2015 try again with the proper preparation plan and strong determination .Then you will definitely cross all the hurdles in your life and examination.


The online applications forms of Ed.CET 2015 is been taken on 12th march 2015.The exam Ed.CET is the exam for admission in to two years B.Ed.

All the Eligible Candidates are been submitted the required details for the exam from the date 16.03.2015 to 07.05.2015.The Candidates who are applied for the exam through online mode have been appeared for the exam that is been held on 6th june2015.

Ed.CET officials are going officially announce the results for the year 2015 and soon the results are been upload on the Ed.CET portal page.

How to check Ed.CET results 2015?

  1.     Candidates appeared for Telangana state Ed.CET 2015can avail the result by clicking on the official website link that is
  2.     Then check for the Ed.CET Results 2015.
  3.     After you find the appropriate link.
  4.     Click on the link and Then enter your Hall ticket number and date of birth.
  5.     Click on the submission.
  6.     Finally results will be displayed on the screen.


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